Utilize the Event (Notice) Pattern Feature

Utilize the Event (Notice) Pattern Feature

In HomeTrak Companion you can set up pre-defined patterns of reminder Notices that can be added to Tasks, Appointments and other events. Notice Patterns allow you to easily create sets of Notices for multiple people for common tasks. Selecting a Notice Pattern on an event will automatically create all of the Notices from the Pattern, instead of individually adding and setting up each individual notice.

There are multiple things that need to be done for a new client intake, in order to move the client from a potential client to an active client. A separate task could be be created for each thing that needed to be completed, and notices sent for each of those tasks could be added and assigned to the appropriate parties.  However, that can become very labor-intensive. Instead, one task can be added and assigned to someone and a Notice Pattern can be added to the task to notify persons to do something related to the task. 

To Setup a Notice Pattern you will first setup Individual Notices and then you will choose what Individual Notices you want to include in your Notice Pattern:

To Setup an Individual Notice:
- Go to the Agency Office Module.

- Click on the drop down arrow/lower part of the Notices tool in the ribbon, this will open a menu.

- Click on Setup Individual Notices

- Click on the Add tool.

- Enter a 'Subject:' for this Individual Notice that describes the activity/common task that should be performed.

Optional Default Person:   If this field is left blank then, by default, the only person to receive this notice will be the one you identify as the person who should complete the task or attend the appointment to which this notice pattern is applied.  You can select an 'Optional Default Person' if there is someone else who should receive the notice to complete this activity/common task.

- Choose the 'Method:' for the Notice, either Email or On Screen.

- Populate the 'Notify:' field with a number that identifies how many days, weeks, months or years from the day of the event that the notice should be sent.  Then choose the appropriate 'Interval:' (You can choose from days, weeks, months or years).

If you enter 1 Day(s) = Notice will be sent 1 Day after the date of the Task or Appointment at the specified time.
If you enter 0 Day(s) = Notice will be sent the same date as the date of the Task or Appointment at the specified time.

- Populate/Choose the time of day that the notice should be sent in the 'Time:' field. 

- Click Save to save this Individual Notice.

You can continue to setup as many Individual Notices as you need.

To Setup a Notice Pattern
- Go to the Agency Office Module.

- Click on the upper part of the Notices tool in the ribbon, this will open the Notice Pattern screen.

- Click on the Add tool.

- Enter a Name for this Notice Pattern you are creating/setting up. It should be a name that describes in general when this pattern might be applied.

- You can choose an image in the 'Image' field if you wish.

- Now Click on the Choose option, to choose what Individual Notices you want to add to this Notice Pattern.

- In the pick list on the left of the screen, Click on the Box to the left of the Individual Notice(s) you want to Add. (The Individual Notice is selected if a checkmark appears in the box to the left of the name.)

-Once you have made your selection(s) on the pick list on the left, click the 'Add' button in the center of the screen.

-You will then see the Individual Notice(s) you selected in the Selected Setup Individual Notices panel on the right of the Screen

- Click OK to save your selections.

-The Notice Pattern screen is once again displayed and you can see the Individual Notices you selected.

-Click Save

The Notice Pattern is now available for you to choose whenever the Notice Pattern tool is available to select on the Notice tool in the ribbon on Tasks, Appointments and other events.



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